Skills for a better destiny


Bachelor of Technology

# Programs Colleges
1Construction Technology Musanze
2Irrigation and Drainage Technology Musanze
3Electrical TechnologyMusanze
4Food TechnologyMusanze
5Water and Sanitation TechnologyMusanze
6Highway TechnologyMusanze
7Crop ProductionMusanze
8Information TechnologyMusanze
Advanced deploma

Advanced Diploma

# Programs College
1Construction Technology Musanze
2Irrigation and Drainage Technology Musanze
3Crop ProductionMusanze
4Food ProcessingMusanze
5Electrical Technology Gishari
6Electrical Automation Musanze
7e- Commerce Musanze
8Information Technology Musanze
9Water and Sanitation Technology Musanze
10Highway Technology Musanze
11Hospitality with Room Division Management Musanze
12Culinary Arts Musanze
13Hospitality with Food and Beverage Operations Musanze


# Programs College
1Construction Technology Musanze
2Irrigation and Drainage Technology Musanze
3Crop ProductionMusanze
4Food ProcessingMusanze
5Electrical Technology Gishari
6Electrical Automation Musanze
7e- Commerce Musanze
8Information Technology Musanze
9Water and Sanitation Technology Musanze
10Highway Technology Musanze
11Hospitality with Room Division Management Musanze
12Culinary Arts Musanze
13Hospitality with Food and Beverage Operations Musanze

Short Courses

# Programs Affiliates