At RP Tumba College, Mechanical Engineering
Department offers two distinct programs:Advanced Diploma in Mechatronics
Technology and Advanced Diploma in Renewable Energy Technology.
Mechatronics Technology
Renewable Energy Technology
Information and Communication Technology
Adv Diploma, Btech
The ICT Department at RP Tumba College features two Programs:Advanced Diploma in Information Technology(IT) and Bachelor of Technology in IT(B-TECH). In 2007, RP Tumba College opened its doors with Information Technology (IT) as one of its pioneer departments. The department had a mission of producing IT technicians with concrete hands-on skills believed to accelerate the economic and social development of Rwanda. .
Information Technology
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Adv Diploma, Btech
The Electrical and Electronics
Engineering Department (EEE) at RP Tumba College offers a singular
program:Electronics and Telecommunication Technology(ETT). The program of
Electronics and Telecommunication Technology (ETT) was established as one of
the academic programs of RP Tumba College at her inception in 2007 as
Communications Technology department. In February 2008 after some changes in
the department’s curriculum following The Stakeholders TAG meeting, the Program
was renamed Electronics and Telecommunication. Technical Advisory Group (TAG)
is an instrument of the Rwanda Polytechnic by which it relates with Industry
and Professionals stakeholders in the field to update her curricula and keep it
industry relevant.